Team > Juan Saavedra
Juan Saavedra, Economist, University of Southern California Center for Economic and Social Research

Dr. Juan E. Saavedra is an Economist at the University of Southern California’s Center for Economics and Social Research and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Dr. Saavedra’s work spans various domains of education policy analysis. He has published on topics that include school vouchers, conditional cash transfers for education, the impacts of resources on educational attainment, collegiate value-added, teacher labor markets, vocational education, national reviews of educational policy and educational cost-effectiveness analysis.
Alongside Dr. Jeremy Burke and Prof. Lesley Turner, Dr. Saavedra is examining the effect of student loans on intergenerational wealth by linking SLLI datasets with California state tax records and housing data from Zillow. These grantees are studying how shocks to home values stemming from the Great Recession impacted student loan debt and subsequent housing wealth in California, offering new insight into the link between family wealth, student loan utilization, and lifetime financial outcomes for borrowers. As policymakers work to address systemic racial disparities in America’s financial markets, this work will provide unprecedented insight into the key role student debt plays in perpetuating these disparities across generations.